Counteract the Effects of Sitting

You may have heard the saying “sitting is the new smoking,” but do you know the reasons why? Besides the fact that sedentary behavior can lead to chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease, too much sitting causes tight and underused muscles, leading to back pain. Here’s what happens to these muscle groups when sitting:

  • Glutes – in a sitting position, the glute (butt) muscles are lengthened and weakened

  • Hip flexors – with the hip flexed, the muscles in the front of the hip are shortened and tight

  • Hamstrings – when your knee is bent, the hamstring is shortened and tight

  • Back – sitting with poor posture puts strain on the back muscles, which get lengthened and sore

  • Neck & shoulders – hunched over media or a book causes the shoulders to round and the neck to flex, holding the weight of your head

  • Chest – a rounded back shortens the chest muscles, which become tight and then they pull on the shoulders and back

These muscle imbalances can cause pain in the lower back, upper back, shoulders and neck, plus stiffness in the hips and legs. The solution… get up and get moving! This week, I help you strengthen your glutes with my Butt Burn workout. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and stay tuned for a new upper body workout to strengthen your back and stretch your chest and neck.