The Problem With Diets: My Secrets to Staying Slim

I get asked a lot about what diets are best for weight loss. Well, that depends. Whether it's Whole 30, low-carb, high protein, high fat, or a cleanse, if you want to lose weight AND KEEP IT OFF, you need to find something that works for you. That means being able to do it consistently (ideally, at least 80% of the time for life), and being able to measure the results not only on the scale, but how it makes you feel. Here are my secrets to staying slim:

  1. Buy mostly whole or minimally-processed foods - veggies and fruits are delivered weekly from Imperfect Foods, and I keep frozen options for when I run out of fresh. Grass-fed or organic meats are frozen, and defrosted in the fridge ahead of time before I know I’m going to use them. I stock the pantry with healthy whole grains like quinoa and wild rice; legumes like lentils and beans dried or in BPA-free cans; and back-up meals such as boxed or canned soup.

  2. Save recipes that are easy to prepare & make with foods I eat frequently - I keep the recipes on Google Drive where I can easily access them on any device. I don’t always follow the recipe, but use it for inspiration.

  3. Keep junk food out of the house, and sweets out of sight - if you see it, you’ll eat it. My treat is a square of dark chocolate after dinner.

  4. Recognize when I’m hungry, eat slowly, and recognize when I’m full. Listen to your body for cues and ask yourself why you’re eating. Is it because you’re actually hungry, or is there another trigger?

  5. Drink a lot of calorie-free, sugar-free liquids such as citrus-infused water, herbal tea, and Arbonne Energy Fizz Sticks. Often when you think you’re hungry, you’re actually thirsty. Keep a glass or water bottle at your desk.

  6. Don’t eat foods that don’t agree with you. I found my body is sensitive to dairy (so no milk or cheese) and wheat (no bread or pasta). This will be unique to you, and you may have to do some eliminating to find out.

  7. Stay active. I make time in my calendar to do something active every day, whether it’s just stretching or walking, working out, or going on a bike ride.

Instead of taking an all-or-nothing approach to healthy eating, think about it as a continuum. Make small changes and build on them as you develop good habits. It’s taken me seven years to get to where I am today, so keep on the good path… it never ends.